May 24, 2017

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Profecía para nuestro país Chile. Aporte Hno. Miguel

Estimada hermana.

Junto con saludar le comparto esta profecía para nuestro país, por el tono de esta, creo es importante que la vea y  la suba.


Es de la profeta argentina melisa figueredo.

Le comento que desde el mes de abril mi corazón se ha sentido inquieto en Dios, y le he preguntado mucho a Dios en oración que pasa, pensé que era por los sismos que hubieron en la quinta región, pero mi espíritu sigue inquieto. 

Agradezco su atencion.


  1. Sueno de Rhonda Empson. Nuestra labor esta hecha.Los 144.000 entran.
    fecha 23 de mayo 2017.

  2. P. Santy says:


    Algún hermano/hermana puede ayuda a la traducción de esta visión de un niño de 9 años que ve un asteroides desintegrarse y caer en el Atlántico y luego misiles nucleares, con USA el centro de mira?


    Lean por favor, es muy fuerte.

    9-Year-Old Boy Has A Vision Of An Asteroid Hitting The Atlantic And A Nuclear War Involving The United States
    April 14, 2017 by Michael Snyder
    Did God give a 9-year-old boy a vision of the future of America? Last night, my wife pulled me aside and strongly urged me to watch part of an amazing video that she had found on YouTube. I was quite tired at the time, but I agreed to watch it because I could tell from my wife’s expression that she had found something special. And without a doubt, what I am about to share with you does appear to be extraordinary. A grandmother known as “A Daughter of The Highest King” on YouTube came across a dry erase board that her 9-year-old grandson had been drawing on, and the things that he had been drawing were so unusual that she decided to ask him about them.
    Well, it turns out that this little boy had been trying to draw a picture of things that were shown to him in a vision. When he received this vision he was in bed, but he was not asleep at the time. He told his grandmother that in his vision he was standing in space and looking down at the Earth, and it appears that he may have been shown things that are coming in the future. If you would like to watch the entire video, you can find it on YouTube here.
    When I started watching this little boy describe his vision, one thing immediately jumped out at me. He said that he saw a giant asteroid that appeared to be “flaming hot red” coming toward the Earth.
    As it got very close, he said that it appeared to break up into pieces and strike multiple locations, but according to him the main impact seems to have happened in the Atlantic Ocean.
    When this little boy said that I was absolutely startled, because my wife and I have been collecting dreams and visions of a giant asteroid that is going to strike the Atlantic Ocean for many years. In fact, my wife has collected more than 100 of these dreams and visions. Many have seen that the asteroid breaks up into multiple pieces before it hits, and that the impact in the Atlantic Ocean causes an enormous tsunami that will be hundreds of feet high. When this gigantic tsunami slams into the east coast of the United States at an extremely high speed, the devastation that will be caused will be almost too horrible for words.
    As you can see in the video, this little boy is not even allowed on the Internet, and so he probably has never even heard about any of these dreams and visions. But his description of the vision that he was given matches up perfectly with what dozens of other prominent men and women of God have received over the years.
    And of course the Bible tells us that someday a giant object will plunge into the ocean. The following is what Revelation 8:8-9 says in the Modern English Version…
    8 Then the second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea became blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
    After the asteroid strikes, this 9-year-old boy was shown nuclear missiles flying all over the world, and many of them hit the United States.
    Once again, this fits perfectly with what other men and women of God have been shown. The great tsunami on the east coast comes first, and after that a nuclear conflict involving the United States happens.
    In his vision this young boy was also shown “giant people with goat horns” roaming around. Some have suggested that these could be demons on the Earth during the Great Tribulation, while others have suggested that what he saw may have been Nephilim.
    We do know that things will get quite wild here on this planet during the Tribulation period. I have always said that it is going to be crazier than the most insane science fiction movie that Hollywood can possibly come up with, and this youngster may have gotten a small glimpse of what life will be like during that time.
    He also saw the planet breaking apart in various areas and a “giant crack in the middle of America”. I have been warning about the great “megaquake” that is coming to the New Madrid fault zone for many years, but it is not clear from the video if that is exactly what he saw.
    But I certainly do believe that this vision was from the Lord, and this would be perfectly consistent with Scripture. In the Book of Joel, we are told that our sons and our daughters will prophesy in the last days. This is what Joel 2:28-29 says in the Modern English Version…
    And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. 29 Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit.
    Could this vision be a very small part of the fulfillment of that ancient prophecy that was given to the prophet Joel?
    God is not sending us these warnings to frighten us.
    Rather, God is sending us these warnings so that we will not be afraid.
    God wants us to know that He knows everything that is going to happen in advance, He has a plan, He has everything under control, and He is not going to abandon us.
    Yes, the most challenging times in all of human history are coming. But for the people of God it will be the greatest chapter of all as multitudes come into the Kingdom even in the midst of all the shaking.
    You were born for such a time as this, and now is the time for all of us to become the people that God created us to be.

  3. Hoy 26/05 me despierto por la mañana, (6:20hs) sobresaltado, con los vellos de los brazos y piernas como erizados y una sensación de miedo que no tenia hace mucho tiempo. soñaba que estaba en una especie de taller de arte, con mucha gente haciendo diversas cosas, había mucha luz y mucho color, me llamaba la atención una ventana de madera toda cerrada, luego de ver todo lo que hacían ahí, me dirijo a la ventana, la abro y veo que del otro lado era un sótano en penumbras, bajo ahí sin nada de miedo, había muebles viejos, en un rincón una puerta que daba a un pasillo muy negro, me arrimo y digo, que hay aquí?, en eso veo que al final del pasillo había una puerta abierta y sobre el marco un cartel pintado con sangre decía “MAT MAMMON”, en eso veo unos ojos rojos que me miran y sale un demonio todo negro con forma de gato gordo muy grande como persona, viene hacía mi, lo agarro de la cabeza como frenándolo, mientras retrocedo, lucho algo con él, y logro abrir una ventana cerrada del sótano, afuera brillaba el Sol, no se como hago pero lo tiro por la ventana, y al darle el Sol, como que se esfuma. Entonces una voz dice: “ya está suelto, ya anda suelto”. Ahí me desperté con la sensación que conté antes.
    Nunca antes había oído ese nombre, lo busque en internet que significaba, es el hijo del diab**, dicen varias páginas. También de inmediato pensé dos cosas, en compartir el sueño, pues no era algo para guardarlo, tenía la necesidad de escribirlo y en que ayer mismo 25 de mayo se recordaba el Día de la Ascensión de Nuestro Señor (no se si tiene algo que ver, pero esos dos pensamientos me vinieron a la cabeza). Dios sabe que lo que cuento acá siempre es verdad de lo que sueño y algunos pensamientos, como ideas que me vienen, a veces. Saludos y que Dios los bendiga hermanos, ya estamos en el tiempo, no tengo dudas de eso, aunque falta un poquito todavía, meses quizás, no años.

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