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Indonesia tsunami: 62 dead and ‘many missing’ after Anak Krakatoa erupts – latest updates

A spokesman for Indonesia’s disaster agency says the death toll has now risen to 62 with at least 20 missing.
David Lipson, the Indonesia correspondent of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has been talking about the disaster on TV.
He makes the point that because there was no earthquake – the usual trigger for a tsunami – there was no warning that the wave was about to strike.
Indonesia’s disaster agency initially told people it was a tidal wave caused by the full moon and NOT a tsunami. Urged people not to panic or spread fake news. It has now apologised.
Part of the reason for the confusion is there was no significant seismic activity (earthquake) recorded before the tsunami. They now believe an undersea landslide caused the tsunami.
The eruption of Anak Krakatoa occurred at around 9pm on Saturday night local time. The wave struck about 25 minutes later. There were no earth tremors, according to disaster agency officials, allowing no time for warnings.
Slope collapse could have caused tsunami, says expert
We have some more insight into the causes of the volcano from Gegar Prasetya, co-founder of the Tsunami Research Center Indonesia, via Associated Press.
He says the waves were most likely caused by a collapse of part of the slope of Mount Anak Krakatoa during an eruption. He says it’s possible for an eruption to trigger a landslide above ground or beneath the ocean, both capable of producing a tsunami, noting that the wave itself was not that high – only around 1m.
“Actually, the tsunami was not really big, only one metre,” said Prasetya, who is an expert on Krakatoa. “The problem is people always tend to build everything close to the shoreline.”
We’re starting to see some more pictures of the devastated areas.
This is from Anyer in Banten province:

This is the scene at Carita beach, one of the worst-hit areas:

And this is another scene at Carita.

Australia is ready to send aid and assistance to Indonesia in the wake of the tsunami.
Prime minister Scott Morrison said the disaster was a “terrible blow for Indonesia” coming so soon after the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi in September.
“This comes on top of what had happened in Sulawesi and so as always, we’re available to support the Indonesian government with these things, as requested.
There have been no such requests. I’m not anticipating any on this occasion. But should they present, then obviously we will work with the Indonesian government as they request.
Relations between the two neighbours have cooled in recent weeks after Morrison angered the Muslim-majority nation of Indonesia when he recognised West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The charity Save the Children says it has a team of emergency workers ready to deploy to the area.
Michel Rooijackers, who is an adviser to Save the Children’s local partner in Indonesia, said early reports showed major damage in areas hit by the tsunami, although it was still too early to know the full extent of the devastation.
He added:
Our teams are working closely with local authorities and other aid agencies to gain a clearer picture of the needs and what humanitarian response is required. We’re particularly concerned about the safety and wellbeing of children, who are especially vulnerable in tsunamis and being swept away in floodwaters.
Rooijackers said that 2018 had been a particularly difficult year for Indonesia in terms of disasters.
It’s been a very tough year in Indonesia, with a series of heartbreaking disasters including multiple major earthquakes in Lombok followed by the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesithat killed more than 2,000 people, and now this. This has put huge pressure on authorities and aid agencies and our ability to respond, as we are continuously having to replenish pre-positioned aid and stretch our resources.
Save the Children, through local partner Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik, has helped on relief work in many humanitarian emergencies in Indonesia, including the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 and the Aceh earthquake in 2016.
Band ‘washed away from stage’
There is some TV dramatic footage of the tsunami crashing into a band while they perform on stage.
More than 100 employees of the state utility company PLN had gathered in Tanjung Lesung for an end-of-year event, a company spokesman has told Reuters.
PM Breaking News(@PMBreakingNews)
Breaking Video: Tsunami wave crashes into a venue while a band performs in Indonesia.
Local rock band Seventeen was performing at the event when the tsunami crashes over the stage from behind the band, washing away the group and audience.
“The water washed away the stage which was located very close to the sea,” the band said in a statement. “The water rose and dragged away everyone at the location. We have lost loved ones, including our bassist and manager … and others are missing.”
Evacuation warning
Indonesian authorities have warned people who have evacuated the Sunda Strait beaches region not to return until they are told it is safe.
Rahmat Triyono, head of the meteorological agency, was quoted by Reuters as saying: “Please do not be around the beaches around the Sunda Strait. Those who have evacuated, please do not return yet.”
Australia’s department of foreign affairs is working to determine if any Australians are among the dead and injured.
“The Australian embassy in Jakarta is making urgent enquiries to determine whether any Australians have been affected by the tidal wave that hit beaches in the Sunda Strait area,” a departmental spokesperson said.
Number of victims ‘will increase’
Emergency teams from the country’s disaster mitigration agency are not yet on the scene so local officials are doing their best to cope with the devastation.
Hundreds of homes and other buildings – including at least nine hotels – have been heavily damaged.

Endan Permana, head of the agency in Pandeglang, told Metro TV that police were helping victims in Tanjung Lesung in Banten province.
“Many are missing,” Permana said adding that with information from many areas still to be compiled, there was a “possibility that data on the victims and damage will increase”.
‘I ran as far as I could’
Witness accounts are beginning to emerge to give us a picture of what has happened.
Agence France-Presse says that at Carita beach in Pandenglang, 15-year-old Muhammad Bintang described a sudden surge of water that plunged the tourist spot into darkness. He said:
We arrived at 9pm for our holiday and suddenly the water came – it went dark, the electricity is off. It’s messy outside and we still cannot access the road.
On the other side of the strait, in Sumatra, Lutfi Al Rasyid said he fled the beach in Kalianda city in fear for his life.
I could not start my motorbike so I left it and I ran… I just prayed and ran as far as I could.
Anak Krakatoa eruption
The Indonesian geophysics agency says the Anak Krakatoa volcano erupted about 24 minutes before the tsunami.
The 305m-high (1,000ft) volcano is about 80km off the west coast of Java and has been erupting since June. In July, authorities widened its no-go areas to 2km from the crater.
Officials say it is rare for eruptions to trigger a tsunami which might explain the initial confusion in not calling it a tsunami.

If the name Anak Krakatoa sounds familiar that’s because it was formed out of the remains of the famous Krakatoa volcano which blew its top in 1883. The name means Child of Krakatoa. That eruption was reckoned to be one of the biggest of all time and spewed ash and rock more than 20km into the sky, plunging the region into darkness. The blast was heard as far away as Alice Springs in central Australia. The disaster killed more than 36,000 people. Anak Krakatoa emerged from the caldera of that explosion.
There is a bit more detail about where the fatalities have occurred.
The worst affected area was the Pandeglang region of Banten province in Java, which encompasses the Ujung Kulon national park and popular beaches, the disaster management agency said. Of the deaths, 33 were in Pandeglang. There were at least three people dead in Serang, which is further north.
Alif, a resident in Pandeglang district who goes by one name, was quoted on Associated Press as saying that the tsunami reached about 3 metres (9.84 feet) high. He told MetroTV station that many people were still searching for missing relatives.

The waves also spread west to Sumatra. In the city of Bandar Lampung on southern Sumatra, hundreds of residents took refuge at the governor’s office.
Sutopo said officials were still trying to work out the exact cause of the disaster.
In his very first tweet on the matter today, Sutopo said there had not been a tsunami and that it was a tidal wave caused by the full moon.
But he later deleted the tweet and corrected himself. Officials now believe it was caused by a combination of an eruption of Anak Krakatoa which cause undersea landslides, and the full moon tides.
Saya mohon ijin. Twitt di awal yang mengatakan tidak ada tsunami saya hapus. Agar tidak membingungkan.
Kesalahan awal terjadi karena mengacu data dan informasi dari berbagai sumber bahwa tidak ada tsunami. Namun sudah direvisi karena mengacu data dan analisis terbaru.
Hingga 23/12/2018 pukul 07.00 WIB, data sementara dampak tsunami di Selat Sunda: 43 orang meninggal dunia, 584 orang luka-luka dan 2 orang hilang. Kerugian fisik meliputi 430 unit rumah rusak berat, 9 hotel rusak berat, 10 kapal rusak berat dan puluhan rusak.
The national disaster agency says the tsunami has affected an area between Serang and Pandenglang, which is on the very western tip of Java. It’s quite a big area stretching about 100km. Here’s a map to help get an understanding.
Information is sketchy about the damage caused but the agency’s spokesman, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, released a statement earlier this morning giving some details.
The regions most affected are Padenglang Regency, South Lampung and Serang. In Pandeglang District the affected areas are in the districts of Carita, Panimbang and Sumur. “Areas that were severely affected were settlements and tours on Tanjung Lesung beach, Sumur beach, Teluk Lada beach, Panimbang beach, and Carita beach,” he said.
Here is a link to the statement translated into English.
Hello and welcome to our blog on the tsunami that has hit the west coast of Java in Indonesia.
Here is what we know so far:
- The wave struck the area on the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra on Saturday, around 9.30pm local time.
- The national disaster agency says 43 people have been killed and nearly 600 are injured.
- A local disaster official said there were “many” people missing.
- It is believed that a combination of underwater landslides triggered by an eruption of Anak Krakatoa volcano and high tides around the full moon caused the tsunami.
- The disaster agency says it is still investigating the causes.
- Emergency teams have been sent to the area although the agency said the main road to the region was blocked.
- The wave hit villages and hotels along the coast – especially the areas of Pandenglang, South Lampung and Serang. The region is a popular getaway from the capital city, Jakarta, 180km away.
- One witness, a Norwegian photographer, said he had to run to higher ground to escape the wave.

An image from a video showing debris in Serang city, in Banten province, Indonesia. Photograph: AP
Tsunami en Indonesia: 62 muertos y ‘muchos desaparecidos’ después de la erupción de Anak Krakatoa – últimas actualizaciones
Se cree que la actividad volcánica envió una ola a las aldeas y hoteles de la popular zona turística en el estrecho de Sunda, entre Java y Sumatra. Sigue todos los desarrollos aquí.
El tsunami golpea las playas del estrecho de Sunda y deja decenas de muertos en Indonesia
VIVO Actualizado hace 4m
Los residentes inspeccionan los daños a sus hogares en la playa Carita en el sur de Sumatra, Indonesia, después de que el área fue golpeada por un tsunami que pudo haber sido causado por el volcán Anak Krakatoa.
Los residentes inspeccionan los daños a sus hogares en la playa Carita en el sur de Sumatra, Indonesia, después de que el área fue golpeada por un tsunami que pudo haber sido causado por el volcán Anak Krakatoa. Fotografía: SEMI / AFP / Getty Images
Martin farrer
Sáb 22 de diciembre de 2018 23.40 EST Publicado por primera vez el Sáb 22 de diciembre de 2018 20.42 EST
Hace 46 m, el colapso de la pendiente podría haber causado un tsunami, dice un experto
Hace 2h Banda ‘arrebatada del escenario’
2h hace advertencia de evacuación
Hace 2 horas Número de víctimas ‘aumentará’
Hace 2 horas ‘Corrí tan lejos como pude’
Hace 2 h Anak Krakatoa erupción
Hace 5 m
Un portavoz de la agencia de desastres de Indonesia dice que el número de muertos ahora ha aumentado a 62 con al menos 20 desaparecidos.
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Hace 34 m
David Lipson, corresponsal en Indonesia de la Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ha estado hablando sobre el desastre en la televisión.
Señala que, debido a que no hubo terremoto, el desencadenante habitual de un tsunami, no hubo ninguna advertencia de que la ola estaba a punto de golpear.
David Lipson
· 4h
En respuesta a @davidlipson
La agencia de desastres de Indonesia inicialmente le dijo a la gente que era una marejada causada por la luna llena y NO un tsunami. Instó a la gente a no entrar en pánico ni difundir noticias falsas. Ahora se ha disculpado.
David Lipson
Parte de la razón de la confusión es que no hubo actividad sísmica significativa (terremoto) registrada antes del tsunami. Ahora creen que un deslizamiento de tierra submarino causó el tsunami.
7:42 PM – 22 de diciembre de 2018
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La erupción de Anak Krakatoa ocurrió alrededor de las 9 pm en la hora local del sábado por la noche. La ola golpeó unos 25 minutos después. No hubo temblores de tierra, según los funcionarios de la agencia de desastres, sin tiempo para advertencias.
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Hace 46 m
El colapso de la pendiente podría haber causado un tsunami, dice un experto
Tenemos más información sobre las causas del volcán de Gegar Prasetya, cofundador del Tsunami Research Center Indonesia, a través de Associated Press.
Él dice que las olas probablemente fueron causadas por un colapso de parte de la pendiente del Monte Anak Krakatoa durante una erupción. Él dice que es posible que una erupción provoque un desprendimiento de tierra sobre el suelo o debajo del océano, ambos capaces de producir un tsunami, señalando que la ola en sí no era tan alta, solo alrededor de 1 m.
“En realidad, el tsunami no fue realmente grande, solo un metro”, dijo Prasetya, quien es un experto en Krakatoa. “El problema es que la gente siempre tiende a construir todo cerca de la costa”.
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Hace 1h
Estamos empezando a ver algunas fotos más de las áreas devastadas.
Esto es de Anyer en la provincia de Banten:
Un coche en ruinas en Anyer, provincia de Banten.
Un coche en ruinas en Anyer, provincia de Banten. Fotografía: BNPB / FOLLETO / EPA
Esta es la escena en la playa Carita, una de las zonas más afectadas:
Escombros de una casa dañada en la playa Carita.
Escombros de una casa dañada en la playa Carita. Fotografía: SEMI / AFP / Getty Images
Y esta es otra escena en Carita.
Los residentes inspeccionan los daños a sus hogares en la playa Carita.
Los residentes inspeccionan los daños a sus hogares en la playa Carita. Fotografía: SEMI / AFP / Getty Images
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Hace 1h
Australia está lista para enviar ayuda y asistencia a Indonesia después del tsunami.
El primer ministro Scott Morrison dijo que el desastre fue un “golpe terrible para Indonesia” que se produjo tan pronto como ocurrió después del terremoto y el tsunami en Sulawesi en septiembre.
“Esto se suma a lo que sucedió en Sulawesi y, como siempre, estamos disponibles para apoyar al gobierno indonesio con estas cosas, según lo solicitado.
No ha habido tales solicitudes. No estoy anticipando ninguna en esta ocasión. Pero si se presentan, obviamente trabajaremos con el gobierno de Indonesia cuando lo soliciten.
Las relaciones entre los dos vecinos se han enfriado en las últimas semanas después de que Morrison enojó a la nación de mayoría musulmana de Indonesia cuando reconoció a Jerusalén Occidental como la capital de Israel.
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Hace 1h
La organización benéfica Save the Children dice que tiene un equipo de trabajadores de emergencia listos para desplegarse en el área.
Michel Rooijackers, quien es asesor del socio local de Save the Children en Indonesia, dijo que los primeros informes mostraron un daño mayor en las áreas afectadas por el tsunami, aunque aún era demasiado pronto para conocer el alcance de la devastación.
Nuestros equipos están trabajando en estrecha colaboración con las autoridades locales y otros
vean ese video.
Tambien consulten eso
El grupo ‘Sevent een’ actuaban en la playa de Tanjung Lesung en el estrecho indonesio de Sonda cuando la ola golpeó con fuerza el escenario y arrastró la estructura contra el público reunido. Algunos integrantes del grupo y parte de los espectadores perecieron durante la arremetida de las aguas. Al menos 222 personas han perdido la vida y 30 permanecen desaparecidas a raíz del repentino tsunami.
El vocalista de la formación, Riefian “Ifan” Fajarsyah, publicó en la mañana del domingo un vídeo donde confirmaba el fallecimiento del bajista y el mánager y la desaparición de otros integrantes de la banda, mientras rompía a llorar.
Si la esposa del vocalista de la banda también estaba desaparecida no se si la han encontrado pero la cifra de muertos se elevó a más de 300 muertos,no olvidemos que ha sido una cantidad de sucesos que han estado ocurriendo como un efecto dominó estos últimos días, el terremoto del 20de Septiembre en Rusia, la erupción del Volcan Kracatou en Indonesia y a los días este Tsunami, además salida del mar en Cuba, Ecuador, Perú, la Florida, etc.; erupción del Volcan Etna en Italia el día de ayer; hay alerta en los bordes costeros de muchos países, los temblores están siendo más intenso arriba de 5 y 6 grados, estamos en alerta, estar lejos de las costas es nuestra recomendación, por favor prepárense con alimentos, agua y abrigo, preparen mochilas y estemos en constante oración.
Dios bendiga y guarde a todos nuestros hermanos alrededor del mundo. Dios obrará a favor de sus hijos de todos los que depositen su confianza en el Señor Jesucristo.